Alex Whitcomb

Journalist, writer, co-founder of video storytelling site San Francisco, Berlin, Erbil. whitcomb.alexander AT

Politicians + Guns

New Islamic State War Bill Introduced in US Congress Kurdish leaders call for more Turkish help in the fight against ISIS US fast-tracks Iraqi military training program UN envoy comes to Kurdistan for ISIS advice Latest ISIS deaths a sign of desperation Kurdish leaders meet to end feud and save Kobane (with video interview) Kurds in New Government Reject Plan Military Aid to Arrive in Kurdistan, Marking Shift in German Policy Kurdish Commander Says Baghdad Blocking Foreign Arms to Peshmerga President Barzani asks Parliament to Proceed With Independence Vote WikiLeaks: PM Barzani Had Warned US of Current Iraq Crisis

News Analysis

New Government, More of the Same In Search of Unity, America Loses a Dear Friend Future of Landlocked Kurdistan Depends on Turkey’s Next Move Has the Crisis Made Baghdad Even Richer? Kurdistan Banking on Oil Sales

Oil Economics

Kurdish exports to rise despite falling oil prices Iraq oil minister negotiates with Kurdish leaders Pipeline upgrade to boost Kurdish oil exports Kurdish oil exports surge despite security concerns In Kurdistan, Oil Industry Ramps up despite War

Humanitarian Crisis

Iraq’s refugee crisis could spin out of control, UN warns New top-line camp opens for Yezidi refugees First Kobane refugees arrive in Kurdistan Region Yezidis Say they are ready to quit Iraq


Iraq’s war victims get 5 tips for long life, Japanese style Development, not just Daesh, poses a threat to Kurdish history Bringing Silicon Valley to Erbil: teaching Kurds to “do world domination” In Music, Fashion and Food, Kurdish Fusion Coming into its Own In Kurdistan, Birth Rates Lower than in Rest of Iraq In search of better information Defining Prosperity in the Kurdistan Region”

Breaking News

Huge explosions in east Kobane First Kurds arrested for smuggling ISIS oil ISIS executes five journalists in Mosul Turkish troops kill Kurdish activist at Kobane border


Sectarian War, the World Cup, and Switzerland Telling Mountainous Kurdistan the World is Flat Why People Trust Brands More than Consuls

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